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STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


Does anyone else have issues with choosing a Sound Field when using Google Cast. Player won't let me choose any mode other than A.F.D (if you click on any other mode it says NOT.USE on the receiver's display). There is no output to my Subwoofer either (this is only in Google Cast mode). With any other music source the receiver outputs low frequencies to my Subwoofer in A.F.D.

This has only been happening ever since the recent firmware update on 14.09.2016 (M29.R.0422)

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Hi there


Appologies on not getting back to you - Ive just sent a followup email to find out.



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Hi All


Unfortuately I have not been able to make any progress on this.  For whatever reason, I cant seem to get an answer from Sony at this stage.  I will continue to try though.




I'm not surprised really. It is only Sony.


Thanks for trying anyway! May be I'll try and take this to Facebook/Twitter/Reddit. See if Sony will at least respond on there

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Hi there


I received this from my contact within Sony in regards to no audio from the sub:


"This would be indeed the case if used in a group (like SongPal)."


Can you confirm if this is how you are casting?



It happens regardless of if the amp is grouped with other Cast audio points or not. 


I've given up with Sony's terrible support and bought a standalone Chromecast Audio. I now get proper playback through this amp again. Interestingly, if I group it with my downstairs amp which is direct stereo, I get synchronised playback with no delay. This kind of negates the point that Sony killed the sound field selection due to delay issues when grouped. Besides, Chromecast has a feature built in to manually correct for this anyways. Incompetent/lazy implementation is the only reason I can see for Sony dropping the ball on this.

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Thanks - feeding info back up the chain :slight_smile:


Really???? that's the suggestion Sony came up with after all this while? Pathetic, can't understand how Sony survives with such a terrible technical team. Common Sony, read the forums and read the emails, all the complaints that have been so far are issues when casting to just A receiver. I've only got 1 Sony Receiver and that's painful enough.


Sony suggested that it's widespread hardware issue to me when asking me to take the receiver to a Service centre (I've been without the Receiver for nearly 2 weeks now, thanks to Sony's useless suggestion, the Service centre is taking a long time again), but now they are suggesting it could be a configuration issue...


I'm giving up, not worth it....


Sony support denied any software bug, and insisted it could be a faulty hardware. The local Service Centre, after having my Unit for just under 4 weeks has returned it to me (having broken the device selector, which now keeps coming off) saying that it now all works.


Guess what, it does work, but only because my Unit is now on the previous firmware and I'm able to use my subwoofer when using Google cast. I have turned off all Auto updates, although there's now an annoying little tab in 'Songpal' constantly asking my upgrade to the useless latest firmware.


As an added bonus, I'm now able to power up my device using Songpal (Sony support & Songpal website both deny that Songpal can do this) which I couldn't do with the latest firmware :slight_smile:


If I do stick with this receiver, I'm never going to upgrade my firmware again.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to this thread.

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Hi there jojawha


Im glad you have managed to get some type of resolution from this saga - even though its not the optimal one, but at least you got some functionality back that you wanted.




Cheers Quinnicus!