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STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


Does anyone else have issues with choosing a Sound Field when using Google Cast. Player won't let me choose any mode other than A.F.D (if you click on any other mode it says NOT.USE on the receiver's display). There is no output to my Subwoofer either (this is only in Google Cast mode). With any other music source the receiver outputs low frequencies to my Subwoofer in A.F.D.

This has only been happening ever since the recent firmware update on 14.09.2016 (M29.R.0422)

104 REPLIES 104

I can confirm this bug in the new firmware too. When using the on screen menu, it is clear that the sound field selection is disabled as it thinks the bluetooth transmitter mode is enabled even when it isn't... actually enabling this option then disables a whole bunch of other features, but turning it off or into reciever mode still prevents access to sound field as it claims it is still on. Sloppy programming / testing and now stuck casting music into surround mode with no subwoofer. Will try and roll back the buggy firmware.

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Hello all


I have raised this issue with Sony UK Support as this appears to be a wide-spread issue.  Any information received will be posted back into this thread.


Linking to US Forums:




Raised this with Sony UK support about a month ago, still no sensible reply. It's almost as if Sony does not understand the issue or they do not want to acknowledge they have messed it up.

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Hi Guys


It appears that the disabling of the Sound Fields when casting is intentional - hence from Sony's point of view there is no fault.


Sony have also added the following information on its firmware download page (circled in red):


STR-DN1060 - Soundfield Disabled.jpg



Unfortunately there is nothing more that can be done im afraid.  My only other advice is to lodge a complaint to Sony in regards to this




"Sound field mode selection will be disabled" - I can understand whey they are having to do this. The Receiver is locked to A.F.D, that's all ok. But the problem is there is no output from the subwoofer. In A.F.D (while using other sources such as USB, Home Network, etc) you always have output from your subwoofer.


I don't think anyone in Sony reads/understands complaints. I am so regretting my decision to switch from Denon to Sony.

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Appologies - let me get back to you on that one.


Quinnicus - I'm sorry if my message came across in the wrong way, I didn't mean you when I said 'No one reads', it was aimed at the pathetic responses we get from Sony Support UK when you raise anything with them directly.

Not applicable

Hi there


No worries - I know your frustrations wasnt aimed at me :grin:


However, I will admit though, I am guilty of not fully understanding the issue at hand for this - and hence when I never mentioned the subwoofer being de-activated as well when I messaged my contact.  (I did read it though!)


Anyway, l'll post back when I know more.




I received a phone call from Sony Support asking me to take the unit to an authorised service person. 


Quinnicus - Any updates on this before I take it to them?