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It`s 21 March still no refund.


My laptop broke again the 5-th time at the end of February, this time was not SSD related it was not starting at all. I sent it back to Sony and they promised me I will get full refund. I will get my money back in 10 days. My advice for you guys is to ask for refund.

  Best wished for everyone hope all your laptops will be repaired or get your money back.


  Hello to all.

Here is my story, if anyone has the same problems please contact me:

I bought the laptop 2 months ago, It`s a I7 processor and 256 SSD, 8GB RAM. In the first week I got the laptop the 3G modem stopped working, after another week my screen was freezing all the time, I had no choice to shut it down from power button after waiting for an hour, after that I got this error before boot stating : Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology - Option ROM - ... RAID Volumes: and I have 4 devices 59.6GB and the first one on status is Error Occurred(0).

   I sent the laptop to Sony Repair Center in Germany by UPS, after a week I got the laptop back 3G is not working, and after a few days I used the laptop I got again the SSD failure error. I sent again the laptop to Sony Service Repair, I even sent an email to Service Repair Center in Germany and this is the response I got from them:

Dear Mr. Popa,

Thank you for contacting us.

Please note that I will follow up with the repair center personally, and I will make sure that all your issues will be rectified. Also, I have prioritized your repair order to have it first served.

Kindly be informed that I will be in contact with you after receiving the unit back from the Repair center.

Your faithfully,

Radwan, on behalf of Mizuno (-san)

I received the laptop on Friday 9 Dec, 2011,the first thing I did was to check if 3G was working(I was so glad it was working!!!), I connected the laptop to the internet windows started to make some updates and the screen is freezing again after 30 minutes of using it. And now again I have the : Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology - Option ROM - ... RAID Volumes: and I have 4 devices 59.6GB and the first one on status is Error Occurred(0).

   I got the laptop 2 months ago,since then 2 weeks was in the Sony Repair Center, another 2 weeks waiting for UPS and with the laptop at home not working, I spent on it more than 2000 Euros I lost my files first time the SSD bricked. I don`t know what to do anymore should I send it back to Repair Center? If anyone has a solution or can give any advice on this matter I am open to any suggestions.

   Thank You

Message was edited by: paffypower

Message was edited by: paffypower



I've got exactly the same problem or even worse. My VAIO does not boot - Volume0 is failed and not bootable - in consequence I got message: "Operating System Not Found".

My VAIO was in Sony Repir Center at the beginning of November and it seemd that they managed to fix the issue. But two days ago the error came back.

I'm thinking what to do now? I don't believe that Sony will fix the problem.

Did you send your VAIO to Sony already? What is your current status?



The laptop is now in Sony Repir Center, I think I will get it back tomorrow, this is the 3rd time in the last 2 months. They said they will give me a new one if the problem appears again. I get back to you tomorrow and let you know how is working, but I made some research I am not sure yet but it seems that Windows Updates causese the problem.

Thanks, I really appreciate your feedback tomorrow.

First time it happened I removed a battery for a couple of minutes and I was able to boot the system and at least copy the data. Will try to do this again.

Where did you find that Windows Update causes the problem?

One more thing - what they did to fix it before? You can find thie info in the service report you got.

Message was edited by: pawelosk

Message was edited by: pawelosk

Message was edited by: pawelosk

Message was edited by: pawelosk

Last time it crashed after 30 mins I received it from UPS, I was installing Windows Updates and  it crashed, I made research on forums and I found that SSD sometimes has raid issues when some windows updates are made.

I have this info on the repair paper:

First time on 14/11/2011: "SSD cable reseat"

Second time on 07/12/2011: "SSD dockingboard"

What fix you got from them?

I just called Sony Repair Service, they said my laptop will arrive in 2 days, and they just reinstalled windows and fixed the raid problem. I am sure I will have the problem again, I won`t make any updates and tell you how it works, my advice is do not send it again to repair, if you have the backup cds I can help you to restore it.

Message was edited by: paffypower

Message was edited by: paffypower

Well, on my repair report on 14/10/2011 I had "SSD cable". That's it.

As for now I've manged to fix my issue. I removed the battery and noticed that the ssd cable was not plugged in correctly, I mean it was loose a bit. I pressed it to fit tighter. After that I was able to boot up OS.

When I started up the Windows I went to the Intel Rapid Storage Technology and set the Volume0 back to normall.

Although I'm pretty sure it will not solve the issue for good, but at least I didn't loose my data this time. Now I will try to run some tests to duplicate the error.... will see.

I'm not gonna send it to repair again - it's useless.

Please let me know, when you get youl laptop back and what they said, because I'm very curious. Thanks

Hi again, I just received the laptop, is working, the only thing they did is reinstalled OS and make the raid work. I am not gonna do the windows updates since my guess this is causing the problem, how about you? How is your laptop working now?

Hi, as I said I've managed to fix it myself but in the meantime I was talking to Sony and they were insisting to send the VAIO to the Repair Center again even tough I told them that the VAIO is working now. So tomorrow I'm sending it. Will see what they say.

If you are still not sure what is wrong with your laptop you should contact them again. I wouldn't blame the Windows Update, as this couldn't cause the problem. But if so, this is VAIO issue not Windows in my opinion.

I will let you know when my VAIO is back and what they said.

The problem appeared again, I am sending the 4th time the laptop to sony repair. I have no words for this. I will never buy vaio again.

Well, I got my VAIO back from Sony at the end of December 2011 and everything was ok...... until today! It broke down again. This is the 3rd time.

I have the same feeling - never, ever VAIO again!!!

Let me know what they told you this time.