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Complaints dept tel no or email address

Complaints dept tel no or email address


Can anyone help me get a number for complaints dept for Viao?  My laptops graphics card failed 4 weeks ago and have been trying to contact customer support through website and tel no during this time but they all request the serial no of the Laptop however during the last few years the sticker with serial no came off and as graphics card was not working couldn't get serial no from Bios.  So after a few weeks of trying different nos and getting the same result I used the serial no from my mothers Sony laptop, to get through to someone on the other end of the phone.  Finally last thursday got speaking to someone who insisted i had the laptop with me so I can turn it on for him even though I explained it didn't work he insisted I phone back when I had laptop with me.  So phoned on Monday and they were able to track down my order and then tell me the laptop was 12DAYS outside the warranty and that I would have to pay for the work to be done now they did offer 50% discount on the £400 they say it will cost but if they had a simpler way to access customer support I would have been inside the Warranty terms and it wouldn't have cost anything!!!!

I have been a loyal sony customer for the last 13 years and this is the first time I have had to contact customer support and I have to say i'm shocked by how difficult it is to obtain contact nos and then to actually get in contact with anyone!

So any help tel or email addresses for complaints dept would be much appreciated.



its impossible for Sony to listen to customer feedback - its like ignorance is bliss...


did anyone track down an email for complaints?


i keen getting cut off when i ring them with the inevitable - "we can no longer help you....GOODBYE" - thats happened 5 times today. My 18 year brand loyalty is slowly diminishing with a poorly made, inferior laptop which cost more than a good Apple or Dell!

