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bootsqm.dat file after chkdisk run


bootsqm.dat file after chkdisk run

Hi everyone, i recently formatted my vaio and re installed everything by pressing F10 and running the recover full system application..... After that been successfully completed i scheduled a disk check after reboot. The disk check found errors that corrected? Is that normal after a clean install of the os? In my hard disk appeared this file c:\bootsqm.dat i deleted it and every time i run a disk check it gets back..... i ran the hard wear diagnostic by pressing again f10 in bios screen and it found no problems in my cpu-ram-hard disk.....
I have windows 7 64 bit, is that file appeared in your c: drive? do i have a problem with my os, something went wrong? do i need to reformat my vaio? Before using the recovery tools this file wasn't in my c: drive,even though i had used checkdisk several times in the past, why dit it appear? is something going wrong?


the file suddenly disappeared today, so i guess it was something like a temporary report file from my errors found during check disk procedure, windows automatically reported the error and the file is gone ............. so nothing to worry, :cool: