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STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


STR DN1060 AV Receiver - Google Cast Sound Field Issues


Does anyone else have issues with choosing a Sound Field when using Google Cast. Player won't let me choose any mode other than A.F.D (if you click on any other mode it says NOT.USE on the receiver's display). There is no output to my Subwoofer either (this is only in Google Cast mode). With any other music source the receiver outputs low frequencies to my Subwoofer in A.F.D.

This has only been happening ever since the recent firmware update on 14.09.2016 (M29.R.0422)

104 REPLIES 104

Don't get me wrong,  I love this amp,  the sound quality is fantastic but this is the same as audi downloading software to your car to stop the air con blowing cold,  you can still use it guys!  It just won't be cold!

i saw something at them...


because of tremendous competition from other brands like ONKYO,DENON,YAMAHA especially in this sector of AVR''S!!!

from 2012-2013 they changed---> trying to make good products and ofcourse good sound quality from str dn1040 to atmos enabled 1080) win the lost clients...wich loved sony in the past..but move from them, because of bad quality and sound following 2007-2013



BUT THAT IS NOT ENOUGH....they have to invest more in the customer suport and iIT department.


I hope someone big from SONY (a CEO,manager etc) will see our messages!!!!!


they are very usefull to a good manager for future improvements


REally is the first time when i left a message to sony comunitty(I KNOW THEIR PRODUCTS VERY WELL in detail..)sorry again for my bad english not my native language



i'm so frustrated cause i returned to them again and i was fooled


Not applicable

Hello All


I have sent Sony a message (again) to find out why the sub is disabled when casting and whether this can/will be resolved.


Will post back if I receive any information.



thanks man!

if they dont give an update soon enough i will sell him and never return to sony!!

never ever

believe me had enough

Not applicable

Hi All


Sony has confirmed that when casting, the sound field is changed to A.F.D/2ch mode. 


This is in the manual:


Unfortunately this is as much as I can help on this.  As basically this is not a fault, but designed this way.



MAN you understand the problem...!!!!!!.

almoust all programs who use googlechrome cast ....send songs  VERY POOR   in two chanel stereo...almoust all the songs are stereo..with no lfe ....

if you have satelites or small speakers....SOUND HORRIBLE...AWFUL  WITHOUT SUBWOOFER


EMPLOYES OF SONY...DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE PROBLEM!!!!!!! ARE YOU [Edited by moderator to remove profanity] !!!.....YOU HAVE NO FREEDOM TO CHANGE SOUND IN EVERY WAY and sound awful!!!!!!


man..i'm so mad at me cause i ccame back to sony....and fooled..with false advertising....


DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!WE NEED SOUNDFIELD  to change sound how we want ... with google chrome cast.


the majority of sources are recorded poor(  NOT 5.1.OR 7.1).and because of that we need sound field....not something like pure mode....DO YOU UNDERSTAND????

like we use too in the past...before firmware upgrade. materialistic brand

THEY WANT TO CHARGE MONEY IM SURE...this is the reson...because they pay googlLE  [Edited by moderator to remove profanity]





Note: Edited by Quinnicus - Removal of 'some' profanities.

But this is the problem,  they've amended the manual to say it's normal,  you can't do that.  I've had my 860 since July 2015 and Sony decides I can't use it to cast music anymore?  That is deeply unfair and makes me very cautious of updating the rest of my Sony equipment,  imagine if Sony decide they want me to watch films in black and white!! 

You cannot change something without reason,  notification or explanation,  it's ridiculous,  thankyou for your efforts Quinnicus but this won't do,  I tested the Google cast in the store and was very impressed,  it went an awful long way to help me make the decision to buy this amp,  Sony have REMOVED an advertised selling point,  I can't tell you how annoyed I am at being told that's just the way it is,  I'm afraid I'm going to do some research into what the next step will be as this is totally unreasonable. 

Not applicable

I could never establish the technical reasons on why Sony changed this.  Publishing the following:


"After performing the firmware update version M29.R.0422, released on September 14 2016, users will no longer be able to select a Sound Field mode when playing back content using Google Cast.

This is actually intentional, as Sony has established that a fixed sound field is the most suitable option for Google Cast playback.

The Sound Field mode selection remains available with all the other playback sources."

Literally baffling,  the engineer wants sacking,  genuinely.  There isn't a person in the world who prefers to listen to music with zero bass,  the only way to get good sound now would be to get large speakers,  I don't want large speakers my 7.1 setup cost a bloody fortune. Honestly somebody down the line has made a mistake,  they may have,  it's just ridiculous.





they dont give a [Profanity Removed]....believe me....for customers!!! they interest is money,,,,money,moneey...

no suport for customers!!!!!

 why the [Profanity Removed]...i left ONKYO AND DENON  for this!!!!!!!

im stuck with this *****tyy equipment......

how stupid i am..i bought a blueray bd 6700 sony along with this..





Note:Edited by Quinnicus - Removal of profanities.