Xperia XA, Massive Battery Drain, Slow down and heating up!


Xperia XA, Massive Battery Drain, Slow down and heating up!

Hi my wife has an single sim version Xperia XA. Now the phone has the latest system update and was running all good for a long time then all of sudden yesterday it drained the battery from 100 to 0 in 2 hours. It has become very slow. The bizarre thing now it heats up a lot at the back. Now I have tried all the solutions and resetted and still no joy. I have tried using a battery monitor app and display is eating all the battery which again I have calibrated to the recommended settings. The wifi and bluetooth scanning is turned off as per the solutions on here as well. Also I updated the Xperia home app and that does nothing as I know the original Xperia Home app that came with the phone has a huge bug!  The phone is still under warranty but I no longer have the receipt for the phone. Any help please would be appreciated!



could you take screenshots of:

settings > battery > tap on the battery icon > take screenshots and post them here. 


Thank you I will do it later.


Hi, try downloading an app called "anspeeder". I had the same issue for months... Thi application fixed it in 30 seconds. I don't know what exactly wad wrong or what this app does ti fix


It saved my life... 


I just updated it to 7.0 but battery drain is quite faster than the mobile, but yes camera got updated, in mannual mode you can adjust focus, exposure, and shutter speed so its good but battery drain..... Android 6 was much better than this... 


After updating my Sony XA to Android Nougat, i am unable to turn on mobile data in single touch as in Android Marshmallow. Continuous turn on of Mobile data consumes battery VERY VERY FASTER than normal. This is frustrating feature.  Kindly make this feature same as earlier.
 Help me to roll back to previous version... 

Hello everyone, I am using a sony xperia xa phone. I noticed that without using the phone at all, 25% charge per day decreases. After I update my phone to Android 7.0, the charge is decreasing without using it at all. Is this a problem? Should I bring a technical service? Sorry for my English, i use translate. Slightly_smiling_Face


I have to say that after the last Android 7.0 update the battery draining is finally fixed, when I keep my phone in sleep mode after 8 hours with no use, the battery drains only around 3 or 2%. And I previously did a full reset which is better for you if you want to test it first before calling warranty.


Same here after upgrading to Nougat. Battery drains faster than before & proximity sensor issues