Sony XA Ultra mic problem


Sony XA Ultra mic problem

My sony xa ultra is having mic problem.I have tried using diagnostix mic test and it only produced a wheezing sound. I need your help to fix this.

Hi @amharshad, sorry to hear about this. Slightly_frowning_Face

Based on the troubleshooting that you have already done on your own, it does sound like it's related to hardware and your phone will need to be examined at an authorized service centre.

I would however recommend if you have the possibility to try another SIM card in your phone, just so we can rule out that this is caused by the network.

If there is no change with another SIM card, get in touch with your Local support team and they will arrange a repair for you!

Let me know how it went!


@Jonas wrote:

Hi @Interstellar, I'm happy to hear that the microphone is working now again in your phone and thanks a lot for providing me with the information on how you resolved this!

Let me know if there is anything else I may assist you with and have a great Tuesday!

MIC is still working fine. Viber can make phone buggy. On my Xperia Z2 it was causing proximity switch malfunction. Strange thing about MIC was when i reboot phone in safe mode, MIC was still not working well, but after a Viber call, MIC started working again. It should start to work already in safe mode, because 3rd party apps shouldn't be active in that mode. It's still works, but if bug came back i'll keep you posted... 


Hi again @Interstellar,

I agree with you on that, since third party application are not loaded in safe mode and if one of them was the cause of this the microphone should work when you reboot your phone in safe mode.

However, I'm glad to hear that it is working again and as you said, let me know if you experience this behaviour again (hopefully you won't).

Thanks again for telling me how you resolved this and have a great day!


I have the same problem, they cant hear you, ı reset and reinstall several times it the same:( i think they got aware of that problem on this series and they try to sell cheap. İ am too sad that i didnt buy a Samsung quality. 


Hi @Thebluecat, sorry to hear about your phone. Slightly_frowning_Face

Based on the troubleshooting you have already done on your own, your device will need to be examined at an authorized service centre.

Your Local support team will assist you further with this, so please get in touch with them. If you have any questions regarding warranty, local service routines and consumer laws they are best equipped to answer those type of questions since this varies between markets!

Keep me posted!