Location using mobile data


Location using mobile data

My mobile data is turned off and I am connected to my WiFi. Every time any app is using location my cellphone connects for a second to the network and uses mobile data, although mobile data is still turned off. As I use a prepaid SIM card I have to pay for 15min data use, even if my phone connects just for a second. Either I can turn off location or delete the APN to solve the problem for now but it is not a real solution. Anyone has an idea?
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Now I have just default in my new xa. Is my provider charging me for using supl data?


If the APN-settings are correct in your Xperia ZR, it should work in the same way so i'm not sure why you didn't notice this with your previous phone.

With only "default" as APN-type, your phone should not use any mobile data for the GPS if you have turned off the mobile data setting.


That's the strange thing for me. On my ZR I have supl in the APN-type settings and I never had to pay anything to my provider. As soon as I would put supl in the APN-type settings in my new XA, the phone would use mobile data. for which I would have to pay if any app is using my GPS

I want to give an update on my issue. Until yesterday, when my phone updated Google Maps, the fix by deleting supl in APN-type worked. Now it is again using mobile data although I did not change any settings and the supl is still deleted. Everything possible regarding mobile data is turned off. So something must still overrule the mobile data off choice. I think this should be fixed as I'm not the only one with that issue. So all I could do was to delete my connection settings so I will be sure that no mobile data will be consumed.