
Call sign

How do I get a longer call sign? My experia stops ringning after 2 calls!

Hi @Kmj,

I'm sorry to hear about this.

Do I understand you correctly that after 2 signals have gone through to your phone, you stop receiving the ring tone but you can still answer the call?

If that is the case, there is no setting for this in the phone. As long as the incoming call is not rejected or sent to voice mail the phone will continue to ring until you answer the call.

I would recommend that you reboot your phone in safe mode and see if you experience the same behaviour with the ring tone. Just to make sure that a third party application isn't the cause of this.

Let me know how it goes and I'm sorry If I misunderstood your question!


Hi again,
After 2 signals the Phone goes out, and I can't answer the call.
I just rebooted the phone but it hasn't worked!
What to do now??

Hi again!

Oh, I see. I misunderstood your question. Slightly_frowning_Face

The people that are calling you, do they end up at your voice mail after 2 signals? If they do, I would recommend that you get in touch with your operator and they can change how fast the voice mail should respond and raise this to 12-15 signals at least.

If they don't end up at your operators voice mail, could you try and restart your phone in safe mode and see if there is any change? In safe mode all downloaded applications won't be loaded.

Keep me posted!