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How can I transfer my Sonic Stage music library to my NWZ-A845?

How can I transfer my Sonic Stage music library to my NWZ-A845?

Can anyone help me with this. Have just bought the NWZ-A845 MP3 Walkman and can't transfer my music from SonicStage library on my pc. Windows and iTunes are ok.


Hi cottonfever,

I suspect that your Sonic Stage music may be in ATRAC format as this was the default format used by Sonic Stage.  However, Sony do a piece of conversion software from ATRAC to MP3 and this would allow you to then transfer your Sonic Stage music to your NWZ-A845 no problem.  This will work as long as the music in your Sonic Stage collection is ripped from CDs for example as opposed to purchased on line from the Connect Music Store that Sony used to have - any purchased tracks from this old service were protected by digital rights management, so would not convert.  But, if like me your music is mainly from your own CD collection, then you'll be fine.

Here is a link to the software on Sony's website:

Hope this helps :slight_smile: