Share your experience!
I have just bought a beautiful baby pink EB3C5E!
I would like to see my advanced options in my bios but they are not there... so would someone help me enable them OR at least point me in the right direction?
The BIOS is customised by Sony to give only limited access.
As far as I know there is no way round this and as the motherboard is also customised there are no other BIOS Versions available..
Thank you for your reply even if it was stating the obvious. There is always (in my experience) a way around things. Sony just (seem) to want to stop us accessing features we need.
As this is my first Vaio I am truely horrified the lack of drivers for my Vaio on the UK website - whereas on the US website they have everything, obviously except help and the ability to access advanced options in the bios.
I have tried contacting sony by the support form & it doesn't seem to be working... do you have an email address I email them directly?
Did you find a solution? I also need to enable AHCI and its really disturbing that it is not possible in the standard bios.
I'm using a SSD and always at restart there will be the message "No operating System found". Then I have to do a restart (strg+alt+del) and after that it works. I read that the ACHI mode should be enabled to prevent this problem...