My Vaio NS10LS has recently conked out
It fails to boot up - was working fine before then started getting minor hanging of Windows then went to loop on booting up and then gave up the ghost on start up
Tested the hard drive on another laptop and it works fine so discounted that, tried removing memory and replacing with fresh memory but still same problem so memory isnt the issue
When hit the on switch the orange hard drive light comes on for one second then dies so it appears machine is trying to boot up
You can hear the machine whirring away trying to start up but then just stops, battery light remains on but no other sign of life
Any idea what it could be? Does the NS series suffer from problems with onboard graphics?
Dismantled the base unit and checked inside but couldnt identify any lose components or signs of dust clogging up the fan and other bits so no obvious issues
Motherboard and components all in fact are in pristine condition
I welcome any suggestions or pointers