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Has Sony stopped customising its S series laptop? I went on a few weeks ago and the customised option was there, but it has since disappeared. I sincerely hope this is not the case as I have no interest in purchasing a pre-config model. Any informed response is most welcome.
This may upset you...I ordered a configured SB on-line on March 1 and it arrived yesterday 23 March - typing this on it. I noticed the configuration option didn't stay on-line for long. I may have been lucky in what I chose - black case, i5 2.3, 500GB 5400 rpm, 4GB, no 3G, Office H&B, Acrobat.
Sony told me the first shipments arrived in Rotterdam Monday, and mine was configured and dispatched Wednesday. I also understand that John Lewis will have one month exclusive sales before general release. I'm sure in due course the web site will offer customisation again. I think Sony suffered some delays.
Do call them - they have been very helpful to me, advising when the web site would go live etc.
So what do I think of it? To help understand where I'm coming from, it replaces a Vaio S1HP and I am mainly a Mac guy.
This is a distressed purchase as I would sooner have a Macbook Pro - much better quality and identical spec. - but I need the PC compatibility at conferences.
The customised S series is now available. Delivery in 2-3 weeks, not sure how that compares with other models.