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Sony Vaio E series "Restarts by itself"


Sony Vaio E series "Restarts by itself"

I have Sony Vaio VPCEB1S1E for 1 mounts, I bought it with windows 7 home premium 64 bit, I change it to Ultimate 64 bit, and during this one mount it restart by itself twice, different times and as I remember it happened because I used "WEB" button on my laptop (usually I am not using it), but when I am pushing it now it is not restarting anymore, I don't know if this is the reason?! The restarting looks like this:
Screen turning to gray color and it's just simply restarting, after it is ON, on my screen is appearing message, saying something like: "you system was recovered after an expected restart". If anybody familiar with this problem or just have a clue, PLEAS HELP ME



hmmm.. similar to may e series..i bought it at sm sony, and on the 1st day i used- im already experiencing it almost  twice a day, and it really sucks.. usually it occurs when im listening to music or streaming videos, the sounds bussez and the screen turns color black then restarts.. i hate it!!i cant surf the net for longer hours coz it kips on restarting,  i went to SM where  i bought my laptop and they just said how could it be coz theyve checked for an hour and it didnt restart, they just reinstall everything, but after a day it keeps on restarting, no change at all..  i hate this laptop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i just bought  last monday and on the 1st week it restarts twice everyday.. i regret buying this,, vpceg18fg.. it costs me a lot of problem and hours keep going back to sm sony whre i bought this, :'(

Message was edited by: harhar08

Message was edited by: harhar08

Message was edited by: harhar08

Message was edited by: harhar08

i faced the same problem too . I bought my vaio back in oct 2011, yesterday was the first time had this "restart" problem .

it happen when i using only battery and do some video streaming through youtube... it restarted for twice.

when i take out the battery and used cable... nothing happen.. i wonder why this happen...:smileyconfused:

Message was edited by: arey521

Message was edited by: arey521

hey harhar08,

m facing the same problem u mentioned above..

did u find any solution or resolve the issue??

help me if u can.

