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Re: complaints re: repairs and customer service

Re: complaints re: repairs and customer service

i am writting this in the hope of people never buying again from Sony, they are completely unreasonable and dont care for customer service at all, they have no complaints department and now i can see why.


I brought a Sony Vaio in Dec 2012, it crashed in Jan 2013 after only a number of times using it, when i sent it for repair i was told it was a hard drive fault and it was replaced, then again in March the same happened again, sent it back to be told again it was the hard drive, again had the hard drive replaced, then again in May the same happened, when i complained and said i wanted a refund for what had happened for the 3 time i was promised a phone call, never happened, i again recieved my laptop back but apparently this time is was a different fault, the system just crashed so was told because it wasnt the same fault 3 times i am not and will not be entitled to a replacement or a refund.  After numerous phone calls and being passed from 1 person to another i am still waiting for a phone call to explain why the Sony Vaio is the most useless laptop i have ever brought.


my warrenty will run out in Dec 2013, 5 months away and yes i do believe it will crash again and after this date what will happen, yes you guessed it like many others have found from Sony, i'll be left with a bill for having a shockingly useless laptop.  


I thought spending a ludicrus amount of money on a laptop, especially with it being a Sony Vaio i wouldnt have these problems or infact the drama ive had to endure to try and get my money back for what simply is not fit for the purpose i brought it for, i have lost countless photos stored on the laptop and important documents as every time it crashed i lost everything.  Never ever again will i buy anything from sony and hope this message is seen by all who are thinking about it, dont do it, what kind of company doesnt have a procedure in place for complaints??? 


Definatley from now on i will look else where for my products and not such a low company as Sony who do not look after there customers.




I agree totally with their support, I have previously had Sony products and have been very satisfied, however, after recently buying a new TV that has had some problems and tried to use their support it has been atrocious!, I have tried email and phoen support, they blame everything except their TV, they don't get back to you when they say they will or actually do anything! it is in my experience a disgusting service, I buy apple products for IT, Sonos for Audio and Sony for TV, Apple and Sonos give excellent support, Sony support is worse than Tesco's!!


Nice products when they work but a nightmare if you have problems.


My last Sony product expired long before it should have, now my TV has done likewise. I too will never purchase ANY Sony product again and would advise everyone else to follow the example of me and what appears to to a myriad of other unsatisfied customers.