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Not working properly

Not working properly

Hello to evrybody!

I recently formated my HDD on my vao VPCCW1S1E and didint knew that i had that recovery files on the drive.

I re-instaled Windows 7 home premium and i downloaded all the drivers and updates from Sony website but i still having problems,and they are many:

1-My Vaio dosent like the battery,says its not for this model or that is not pluged corectly,i take the cable off but the pc is not shuting down,i just recive this error.

2-In games,my vaio usualy haves around 80 fps and good quality,but now my fps is droping down to 1 or 2 and my vaio is stucked but it dosent restarts or recieving Blue screen,stay`s like that 5 sec and goes back to normal

3-I cannot write dvd`s or cd`s,tried evry software,dosen`t work

4-I have plenty of drivers not instaled when i check the Device manager

5-My Vaio is overheating to much

So if the problem is that recovery files,i don`t have them anymore,how can i make my vaio work properly?

How can i get all the drivers and updates?

Because this is not fair as a customer,maybe i dont need that software sony provided,maybe i just want to take the pc and put other OS and software on it,but i cannot fiind drivers and updates nowere.

Message was edited by: Arthas48


You can download the Original Drivers and Updates from the support site for your model here: -


Ive just mentioned that ive done that and is not working!!Drivers still missing and updates are still required!Plus that i cannot explain myself what`s the batery problem,the error i`m recievieng!