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An open letter for CEO Mr Pelliet

An open letter for CEO Mr Pelliet

Dear Mr Pelliet,
I'm a Sony customer. My laptop was collected back to your repair centre one months ago , for the FIFTH TIME, due to the SAME freeze/blue error screen problem, unfixed. And one of your staff promised me that this time I will get refund or replacement. Very disturbly, however, after one month wait, I have not get the refund or replacement information as being promised but being told that the laptop is sending back to me again! I also being told that this time the test result shows the blue screen problem is caused by software problem. This is a huge joke for me! Software problem?! Please be aware that the blue screen error code is always the same, which supposed that the error is caused by the same hardware. But the repair center gave four different results at last four repairments and everytime the error was caused by different hardware. Now software problem after one month test? If you were me, can you believe it?!

I feel very disappointed regarding such situation. I feel that I am being cheated! Until now, I am totally losing my patience and also very doubtful about your product/service quality!

I feel that you never cared about customer feelings! I asked replacement after the failure of the third repairment and one of your staff told me it would be ok but guess what? The laptop was sent back to me again after long time test! You defaulted for one time and now you are going to default for the second time!? I can not understand why such a big company can not even give its customer a refund or replacement when they failed to repair the laptop for five times?! I do not accept that you sending back the laptop for me again this time! I need refund or replacement!!!

I look forward to hearing from you soon.  I hope this situation can be resolved as soon as possible.


Is your problem solved? My problem is still unresolved:

well i guess you should find CEO's personal email ID to contact him ... i doubt he will have the time to visit the forum too often. Anyways forum admin should help you to resolve your problem.

______________ “Drive your business. Let not your business drive you.”

“Life’s tragedy is that we get old too soon and wise too late.”