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Can`t find "Internet browser" in KDL-40W705C


Can`t find "Internet browser" in KDL-40W705C

Hi folks,


Bought KDL-40W705C today and understand that it shoud have Open Opera browser for web browsing.


Can`t find it anywhere. Followed the Manual as per below.



But I do not have an app called "Internet Browser" in the "All Apps" Section


It`s just not there - or is hiding too good


Also tried to go to Options during various times of using TV - when other apps are opened etc. No sign of "Enter URL..." option




Any help woul be highly appreciated.


Still can`t find the web browser. Tried everything I can think of.


Will contact Sony Support later today and see if they can help.


Also experiencing issues in connecting the aerial - plug it in the TV, but nothing happens.


Considering returning it back as below any reasonable expectations.

Non applicabile

Hi there


I know this is for a different TV, but see the solution in this link:


Your either looking for a blue WWW icon, or a red Opera Browser icon.




Thank you for your contribution.


I have seen thread and unfortunately noone replied to the question about 48W705C which is similar to my TV.


I have looked in the All Apps section and there is no www or Opera etc. app there - I have attached the picture to the thread. SImilarly there is no "Enter URL..." feature in Options section.


Seems that Argos will be forced to take the TV back tomorrow morning

Non applicabile

Hi there


Is that all of the "All apps" you have in your photo?  As there should be many more i think.  Scroll either down or across and see.


Also, are you on the lastest firmware?




Thank you for the link to the software update.


The TV is connected to Wi-Fi and I agreed to the software update when setting everything up, so hopefully it should be up to date but will check on what firmware version the TV is when get home.



Regarding the apps - yes, these are all apps shown in the "All Apps" section and. There are no more there - tried to scroll and play with it, but none is hiding in there.

Non applicabile

Ive just rechecked the specifications of the TV and it does state: Web Browser (Opera) = YES.


To be frank, im not sure how much i can help you as im out of ideas.  However, what I will do is escalate this thread to Sony Support for then to contact you back.  They should be in contact in the next day or two.  Please let me know how you get on.



Non applicabile

Also, can you do a factory reset of the TV.  It can fix issues, but im sure Sony will try and get you to do it anyhow.  Might save some time later on.


You have provided invaluable advice - thank you for that.


I will try to check the firmware and also do the factory reset of TV when get home - fingers crossed that would sort it out as I quite like the TV.


Will definitely update this thread on the result as this might be of help to other Sony TV owners.


Highly appreciate your help.