My battery gauge is tricking me?


My battery gauge is tricking me?

Okay, here's the thing. I bought my Xperia ion about 3 months ago, and so far it has been great; except for one thing. It happened a few times before, and I let it go, but I'm not having any of it anymore. The phone gives me a low battery notification at around 43-41% of battery or a little less.

The first time it happened, I thought the battery was actually drained. I put the phone on charge, but then the battery precentage it shows on the top corner of the lock screen was 40%. It happened again but I was on a trip on top of a mountain. So basically, I couldn't take photos for the second half of the trip, and so many memories would've been lost if it weren't for my friend's Note II.

After that one time, I suppose the battery was actually completely drained during the time spent from when it shut off till I went home. The phone stopped doing it for a while after that, and I remember one time it reached 12% without giving me the 0% battery notification. But two days ago, it happened again. Also, just now, it almost shut down at 43% and now I put it on charge.

I love Sony's phones and I always have. This one has been really amazing so far, the camera, the screen, the sound, everything is pure quality, but I'd love for them to last a bit longer. I really hope someone could help.

Thank you.


alperdk , If that happened, you probably are not gonna face this problem for really long if you follow the precautions given in the thread as well.

NirmalSitaldin98 I think that is completely normal and it's more of a battery drain caused by apps and not a sudden fall in %.

4% drop in one hour is normal if you have a 3rd party app that really uses a lot of power etc. I'd advice you to go through the battery usage chart ( settings > power management > battery usage ) to monitor your apps.


Hi Nabeel, in your how to avoid this in the future, you said we should avoid some kind of apps and task killers was mentioned in your list. Will you categorise Clean Master as a task killer app? Thanks

Hi Kofi Slightly_smiling_Face

Yes, It indeed is one of them.

Let me try to explaing this briefly. Apps like clean master and similar, stop a lot of apps simultaneously with the press of one button. Now, out of all the closed app, 1 or more apps could be related to the battery app directly or indirectly. When apps are closed forcefully while they are in the middle of something, there's a chance their data may get corrupt. Now let us suppose that the apps closed forcefully was battery app. Now, the sudden break in the process might result in messed up calculations. Thereby resulting in abnormal battery %

One thing to note is, that this problem is related to android and is universal across all companies.

I don't use any apps such as antivirus and task killers and I've never faced any problem related to battery % since I uninstalled them all.


Hi maybe i missed somthing i have Z1 once it arrives around 60% it shuts down

after a short charge it reaches 70-80% again

i tried what you suggested but maybe i missed a step

once the phone is charged just take it and restart it or do i need to disable some process??


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After the button combination, you should see a considerable drop in battery%.

After that, just follow the precations given in the thread. You don't have to disable any process or anything, rather uninstall apps that monitor battery % and apps like battery savers, task killers, etc


Wow, I can't believe it!

My phone's been tricking me for weeks and weeks, I was always carrying a charger because I never knew, when it would turn off.
I called the Sony Support and they told me to update my Z1C to Lollipop - which I did yesterday.

The battery worked for more than 24 hours straight with no problems. But today, at 87% it turned itself off.

I put it on the charger and started reading here, where I found this guide, how to solve this problem.

I unplugged the charger (31 % charged), did the forced shutdown, turned it on again and - 91%!!!!

If this really is the solution I needed, I just wanted to say thank you! Slightly_smiling_Face



It's great that it worked for you.

However do follow the precautions given in the thread. Moreover, doing force shutdown once in two weeks should help as well.


I followed instructions for force shutdown when my battery of xperia s is 47% but when switched on my phone battery was 51% . I.e increase of 4% .. Whats this????

That is Ok. Your battery should be showing the real % now.

The steps you followed help to fix the problem with phone showing inaccurate battery level.

Doing that once in a week would help :smileysmileythumbsup:


how much this costed you?