Share your experience!
I have a similar problem.
When i try to change the pattern.
When entring the settings, it asks to "draw" the pattern to enter. But when i do, it just say "settings stopped"...
Not a big problem, since i do have a good pattern, and it works to unlock the phone and all, it is just when i want to enter the pattern settings...
I did try to turn phone on and off a few times...
Thanks a lot for all replies
I have asked the dealer of Sony Center who sold the phone to me, they said it is caused by bugs of Android Marshmellow. So, i need to use Sony PC companion to reinstall the latest Marshmellow which may be free of bugs. But before that, i need to backup all my files because the reinstall is also kind of factory reset.
Thanks again.
I had the same problem but my phone turned out to be unlocked so Xperia Companion did not want to work with it! 😞
I had to unlock remotely via Google / Xperia website, luckily it was possible.
If you want to reflash unlocked phone you need to use EMMA from Sony Developer website, or better external FlashTool utility.
The reason XC doesn't work for you, again, is because you have unlocked the bootloader, you should read the risks and repercussions of doing so, do NOT spread misinformation CeDeROM.
If you unlock the boot loader, you may void the warranty of your device and/or any warranty from your operator. See your device’s warranty statement for details. Additionally, due to the modified device software, Sony’s repair network will likely have to replace key components before it can properly test, repair and verify your device using our repair tools and software. Consequently, if Sony performs a warranty repair, Sony will likely charge you a significant service fee for the additional costs caused by your modification of the software.