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Force update on HT-XT3?


Force update on HT-XT3?

 I'm now on my 4th, yes thats right 4th HT-XT3 all of which have corrupted their firmware in some state or other. Basically I have lost some or all use of the base on all of them from 1 refusing to update, 2 refusing to work completely and the current one that works perfectly for 30 seconds then stops responding to all but volume control and the on off button. During this time I can sometimes get to the upgrade section before the box stops responding correctly but when i try and do either a internet or USB install of the firmware the box says already updated. I  can't reset to factory as that part is corrupted and simply doesnt respond to clicking the icons (which also show as a corrupted jpg or whatever it is icon).


Am at my wits end with this now, love the base when they work but Sony Support are absolutley hopeless with tech support with it and local support from auth Sony Repair Centres no better.


If anyone knows how to force the device to reinstall its firmware id be extremely grateful if you could pass on your knowledge because Goggle is returning zero results.



Not applicable

Hi there


Unfortunately i do not know if its even possible or how to do so, if it is.


I also am wondering why your having so much trouble in regards to firmware updating.  Seems very odd, very unlucky indeed.


The best i can advise is to pursue it via support..




I've no idea either especially as with the last one the unit hadn't played a file on it, had nothing connected to its USB or HDMI inputs, hadn't had Spotify Connect or Googlecast running on it and had only been connect to the TV via HDMI and Optical and it was connected directly to the router via Ethernet, even its power cable was plugged into a single socket and not via a surge protector to try and narrow down what could be causing the issue yet it lasted a week before it corrupted.


I can't believe I'm just being unlucky either but I also can't believe there's absolutely nothing that can be done to self reflash it neither, its 2016 not 1916.

Did you get anywhere with this?

Mine  has the same issue, corrupted icons and cannot enter menu to reflash.


No, sent it back to Amazon and now have a Yamaha SRT -1000. Lacks the overall power and features of the XT3 but surround effects are much better and it works.....

Thanks for the quick reply. I'm tmepted by the Yamaha, but would miss the HDMI conneciotn and single remote  to power on/off + volume control etc. with my Sony TV.


There's the newer SRT 1500 that has Arc control but it is a lot more expensive but is nearer to the XT3 spec wise. I have just modified my Harmony Ultra to the Yams volume control when and connected a Audio Chromecast for the streaming, I'm still 2 HDMI down overall but im happy with what i have now especially as i only paid £249.99 from Argos for it!

Did anyone have any luck with this? I put my firmware files on a USB stick and I'd like to know if there ios any way to foce the soundbase to install the firmware (without having to use the on-screen menus)