DVP-FX780 doesn't recognize video files


DVP-FX780 doesn't recognize video files

I put some videos/movies on my USB stick(also Sony manufactured) and it just says "USB empty" or smth along those lines. Tried with a Hard Disk Drive too, and the same problem appears. Do I have the wrong type/format of the video file or is something else wrong?


Thanks in advance.


did you put only supported video file in the USB? Video MPEG-4 (simple profile) “.mp4” Xvid “.avi” Be aware also of the folder structure limitation (if you use it): To play a complex hierarchy of folders may take some time. Create albums as follows: – The number of hierarchies in the media should be no more than two. – The number of albums in the media should be 50 or less. – The number of files in one album should be 100 or less. – The total number of albums and files in the media should be 600 or less.

Yes, I tried all the following video formats. The USB was empty too, apart from the video files I put there only for the dvd.


EDIT: I tried once more with a different USB. It's recognized it now, but when I try to play the video it says "Data Error"

I've had the same problem - I used a 32GB flash drive and the exact message is "This card is empty". Checked the manual and it states that "The player can recognise Mass Storage Class (MSC) devices that are FAT-compatible". So I reformated the flash drive (it was NTFS) to FAT32, I added a few videos of various CODECs including MP4 and XVid, plus a standard JPG and MP3. The same message that "This card is empty" appears...


Now I can understand the videos not showing due to some specific CODEC percularity, but not the JPG or MP3. This brings me to conclude it is either a) the formating as there are several FAT32 options for "Allocation Unit Size" (I've tried it on 2 of them), or b) the capacity of my flash... 32GB is quite large, maybe the device only reconizes up to 8GB or something... 


So, if someone can give a definitve answer please, or if the original poster can share the specs of their own flash drive that would be useful. 


And FYI the manual also states:


Some JPEG files cannot be played. (USEFUL!)

The player cannot play the JPEG file that is larger than 3264 (width) x 2448 (height) in normal mode, or larger than 2000 (width) x 1200 (height) in progressive JPEG.

• Some video files cannot be played. (USEFUL TOO!)

• The player cannot play a video file of size more than 720 (width) × 576 (height)/2 GB. (OH DEAR - NOT GOOD)

• The player may not play certain video files that are longer than 3 hours. 

The player supports MP3 or AAC audio format for MPEG-4 video files.

• The player supports only MP3 audio format for Xvid video files.


And that for video the following is supported:

MPEG-4 (simple profile) “.mp4”

Xvid “.avi”


All a bit limiting, and vague...sadly I'll probably be sending this device back in favour of something with broader support or better documentation!