Vtuner not working


Vtuner not working


I have not been able to access vtuner since Friday 5th September, I reported it to sony yesterday and the reply was "Unfortunately, our systems are currently down for maintenance and will be up and running within 24 hours, Please feel free to contact us again at that time.". 

Has anyone else not been able to access vtuner for 4days, it seems that being reliant on just one internet radio supplier may be like putting all of your eggs in one basket.

Having not had the internet radio service for 4 days I feel this is unacceptable, does anyone feel the same?

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Obviously an issue between Sony and Vtuner then?

That's exactly what I thought after 48 hours of loss of service. Sony
probably bullying Vtuner! Sony should now own up and give us an alternative
Web service to replace Vtuner.

I am in the same situation with my CMT-MX750Ni. Very disappointed with the loss of a service that I was using on a daily basis. Took me some time to eliminate other possibilities such as Wifi and Router settings before finding this thread on the forum, for which thank you everybody.

Fortunately, my iPod has a free app from TuneIn Radio which I can connect directly to the docking station on the unit. Surely, Sony should be able to give us an alternative service either from in-house or from another third party provider.


Hmmm, just checked the Sony online marketing material for the 2 boxes I have and Vtuner is nowhere to be seen. In fact it makes no reference to Internet Radio at all. Reference to Vtuner in the latest version of the STR-DN1030 manual uses it as an example of a "music service".

The little cardboard sign I got with my CMT-G2BNIP talks about over 5000 stations. While there may be over 5000 DAB stations in the world, I certainly can't receive them!

I'm worried that they might try to rewrite history and use weasel words to say that Vtuner was not a guaranteed facility,

It would be interesting if Watchdog or even The Gadget Show were to run a piece on this disappearing feature.

I await the outcome with interest!


Office of fair trading. Trades Description Act GOods of "Merchantable
Quality". Maybe you can use these.
Not applicable

Doubt it.  I believe this was tried in regards to the BBC iPlayer being cancelled on some devices.  Something like that there is no guarrantee of continuation of 3rd party services etc etc.


Now, if the device is rendered dead purely because of vTuner not working, and there are no other way to use the device (ie a pure net radio, no am/fm/dab etc), then one could probably argue that product is not fit for purpose....


@Quinnicus wrote:

Doubt it.  I believe this was tried in regards to the BBC iPlayer being cancelled on some devices.  Something like that there is no guarrantee of continuation of 3rd party services etc etc.


Now, if the device is rendered dead purely because of vTuner not working, and there are no other way to use the device (ie a pure net radio, no am/fm/dab etc), then one could probably argue that product is not fit for purpose....

This is part of my issue. My device no longer has free internet services which were part of my purchase criteria.

Sony have not communicated with registered owners after the service stopped, and if it is a legal/costs wrangle, no-one can tell me that's happened overnight. On that basis I believe it negligent on Sony's part not to involve us or warn prospective owners what might take place.


Equally it's damning they clearly have not advised retail outlets this feature was to be scrapped. I know that as I was the one that told my retailer of the issue. I was hoping they may have better links into Sony to investigate this, but at least they've been consistently appalling at responding to the retailer as well.


Adding to your comment it could also be seen as a cynical move by Sony, effectively forcing owners to adopt the remaining chargeable service.


So Sony, listen and listen good.




Not applicable

Just having a quick read of the Sales of Goods Act on Which's website:







Dont think its clear cut - and may need a court (small claims) to decide on this. As the fact that it was "fit for purpose" at point of sale, and time after.  However, the withdrawal of a service later on, rendering the product not fit for pupose.....hmm




As far as I understand things - If you wish to pursue a refund of the product - your first point of call is the retailer you purchased the product from.  As technically, your contract is with them (see contract law).


Another link:




"My device no longer has free internet services which were part of my purchase criteria."


Same here.

The reason I bought my STR-D840 is after comparing free internet webradios services on different amplifiers and seeing vTuner had the radios I was interested to listen to in my living room on my hifi system.

Without that feature my Sony amplifier has VERY LITTLE interest to me 😞

And my European version (Amazon Germany) does not even have Bluetooth built-in as a backup (like streaming free Nokia MixRadio from my Windows Phone smartphone to the amplifier)

I'm really annoyed and sad about the situation since a refund might be very complicated if not impossible.


Yes - looks like Sony has bought time to update their online marketing and brochures. However, on my cardboard packaging Internet Radio is very prominent and since that is the reason I bought it I've reduced the amazon online review to 1 star and made it clear in the title that Sony has switched this off.