WH-1000XM3 Stuttering


WH-1000XM3 Stuttering

I am facing this complication that I am not sure if its a issue or not.

The headphones starts stuttering the audio when my phone is in my Right pocket. Even If I turn on the option in the app saying that if it happens I should enable it.


I have the same issue with my laptop and PC. Both are connected to my headphone in a distance shorter than 1M.

The Audio stutters frequently when I move. Even my arm in the way of the devices will make it stutter.

This is how close I am to the bluetooth. It is down, beside the power button. 

see the Image



Anyone having the same issue?




I assume you have read this article on setting the connection to priority and tried that?




I have a similar issue when I use my headphones while doing things such are gardening and I am bending down with my phone in the pocket, its usually fine if I am stood up, walking etc.  I tend to leave mine on priority for sound quality so live with the odd hiccup.


Are you having trouble with your Bluetooth connection to a Sony Android TV as you have posted in the Android TV forum. I have used my WH-1000XM3s with my XG90 with no problems and I am much further from the device that you are.


I wonder if there is some interference from an external source?