Timeshift on KD-55A1


Timeshift on KD-55A1


How it's possible on a high end oled TV that a basic function like timeshift isn't available ? Other brands offer this function on first entry devices...

maybe i've missed something ?


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You can "fix" your Androids TVs smart capability for "only" another £300 outlay 😞


£179 - apple tv 4k. This made the great screen on my Sony TV actually usable

£99 - HDHomeRun dual DVB-T2 tuner (these seem to be mid way through a model refresh)

£23 - the "channels" app for watching TV... Timeshift included. https://getchannels.com/





lol.. another £300 just to get timeshift working !


much easier to sell your Sony tv on Ebay and buy a different brand with PVR built in such as HISENSE or Philips.


 or like me continue to use  a £40 Youview box  in order to have full PVR  and catch up TV  and dont use  the TV part of your Sony TV.


 I take every opportunity to write reviews of your   sony TV,  highlighting the features it should have but doesn't so that I can perhaps save other people from having the same buyers remorse.


my reviews tend to go like this:


 love the screen/ picture quality is great

hook it up to a UHD source and the quality is great



Youview EPG does not have  same functionality as a Youview STB (i.e. no pause, rewind, record, etc)

turn off Youview and Sony's own EPG is like a cheap STB from 10 years ago( also no pause or rewind)

Android TV is slow and crippled compared to android on your phone (most apps dont work)

Android TV  is full of sony bloatware, which cant be removed

Android updates are slow and likely wont happen once your tv is over 2 years old


Summary: dont buy an android tv if you think your getting the same flexible  and customisable android as you get on a phone, it's not.

 if you want a smart tv,  buy a tv with the best screen and sound that you can afford, then hook it up to a cheap UHD capable smart dongle such as fire tv, which can be easily upgraded for little extra cost.




Same goes for a XE9005 - don't get it - why?