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Internet Connection Sharing to Sony Bravia TV


Internet Connection Sharing to Sony Bravia TV

I want to know how to connect to the internet using a wired ethernet cable that is connected to my pc/laptop that is connected wirelessly to my router using internet connection sharing on windows 10. The reason I want this is because, I am getting a poor connection speed using wireless, while using the steam link app from steam. If I have an ethernet cable directly connected to my pc and use internet connection sharing. I can both sign in to steam on my tv and get 100mbps transfer speed. I tried to follow this guide ( by change the third part of the ip address to 8 as that is the ip of my wireless router, with no luck as it ends up "saying the static ip address may not be correct" on my Sony Bravia TV. Please don't tell me how to connect to my tv to my router through a wired/wireless connection as that is not what I am looking for. Thanks in advance for anyone who take the time to look into this for me.


Beside that is difficult to understand what you did wrong if you don't list all the parameter you set... but nonetheless looking at your needs it is really a weird path... just buy a couple of powerlink to connect by wire the TV and let your router do its role. IMHO.

Did you like Andrea use a crossover Ethernet cable?