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AG8 no itv hub or all4 live TV

AG8 no itv hub or all4 live TV

Bought a kdag85 TV last week and can't get the live TV to work on the itvhub app or the all4 app. BBC I player works fine.

We don't have an ariel so only using the apps as no free view available. 

Any help appreciated





Those two apps will not work until the corresponding TV channels have been tuned in.


So you would need to use an aerial (sic) to do this.


You would not need to keep the aerial connected once they have been tuned, though you would need it again when a retune is needed after the inevitable Factory Reset.


But if you are in a location where there is no Freeview, then this TV is not suitable for you, as far as these two apps are concerned, and you might like to consider if you have been missold.


However, if the situation is irrecoverable, I would suggest you buy a Roku Streaming Stick+, £49.99, which will provide both these apps and more.


Cheaper Sticks are available, from NowTV for instance, but you should be looking for 4K here.


And you may anyway find that an alternative make and model of TV costs more than £50 extra anyway,

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