Sony xperia xa faulty


Sony xperia xa faulty

I have had those phone for about three months and it has been great until last night. I was laying down reading the news on my phone and decided it was time to get some sleep, I pressed the side power button to turn the screen off and it just would not turn off. I found it strange so I held it down for ten seconds and no luck, the screen stayed on. I then held the power button and the top volume button and it force restarted, same issue occurs after several resets the power button just won't do anything. This phone has no does no cracks nothing but pocket wear on the backside of the case, I have had zero problems until last night then this button goes out on me.

Hi @Kylesonnen, welcome to the community. I am sorry to hear you're having troubles Slightly_frowning_Face

Just to clarify the issue, at the moment your power button is not working. Is that correct?


That is correct, it has no response to being pressed.


Will it shut down if you do the button combination (power+volume up) anymore or no?

If not, you'll probably be best to contact your Local support team as this will be a physical issue.


@Kylesonnen if with power and volume up the phone restarted the issue is not hardware but probably software. When you talk about reset... Are you talking about restart, software reset or software repair using XC?