Share your experience!
I have just acquired a Z13 with two SSD set up in an array. (I only have a vague understanding of this.)
In the past my Vaios have all come with hard drives partioned into C and D drives and I kept system files on the C drive and data on the d drive. On the rare ocaision when things went seriously wrong I could reinstall Windows on C drive leaving all my files intact.
Is this possible with the SSD drive?
Is it still a good idea?
Thanks for your help in advance.
Which MODELL of the Z13 do you have ?
As far as i know the Z13 have up to 4 SSD organiced in a RAID 0 ...
( )
Depending on the hardware, it should be possible to partion a raid of SSD like a single HDD.
I asume you have a new model with WinDOOF 7 ... sadly M$ hides the ability to shrink the C partition to make room for a additional D partition, but it is part of this operating system too and you dont need additional software.
As my mother tongue is GERMAN, please ask someone else for advice HOW TO resize your C partition.
Usually Sony Vaio habe a RECOVERY PARTITION, which you should keep on your drives unless you have bought the recovery disks from SONY too !
If you think that you dont have enough disk space for keeping this recovery partition, better buy a bigger disk instead of deleting the recovery partition on the original drive.
Many thanks.
All succesfully achieved.