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Xl302 Update to Windows 7

Xl302 Update to Windows 7

Hi all
I have recently upgraded my XL302 to Windows 7 doing a clean install & it is running really well, although I never had any great problems with Vista I find W7 a much "slimmed down" system & all the better for it.
I am hoping I can find some assistance with three queries I have & these are

1.The AverMedia TV cards exhibit the same problem I had under Vista in that they do not always initially "see" the tuners when you go to live TV, if you change the TV channel then they are then OK. This also happens with recorded TV & I have found the only way to ensure that all programmes record OK is to precede a recording with a "dummy" recording. I am now using the later 4.5.012 drivers.

2.The only item I cannot get to display correctly is the Memory Stick icon, the drive just displays the standard generic icon. This causes no problem it would just be nice to have the correct icon showing.

3. Does anyone know just what the Sony Video Shared Library does & is it necessary? I installed it even though I do not use any of the originally bundled software & did not re-install any of it.

If anyone can help (especially with query No.1) I would be extremely grateful & if I can be of help to anyone contemplating changing to W7 I am quite wlling to share the experience.