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VGN-C2Z/B CD/DVD issues

VGN-C2Z/B CD/DVD issues

I have a VGN-C2Z/B running Windows Vista. A few weeks ago my original CD/DVD drive stopped working (was not recognising any CD's or DVD's I would put in - it would just spin endlessly).

I bought a new drive (Toshiba/Samsung, model SN-S082H ATA) and installed it. When I turned the laptop on, it installed the new CD/DVD driver and told me the driver was installed successfully. When I went to Device Manager, the driver was there with no error messages.

First I tried to read a CD where I saved some files from another computer. It said it did not recognise it ("Windows cannot read the disc in drive.."). Then I put in a DVD, the same thing happened.

Finally I put in a CD with some music, it recognised that one, but it was not showing all the songs on the CD.

I would greatly appreciate any help with this one.
