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hi folks, i am trying to upgrade my sony vaio pcg-fr415m from 2 modules of 248mb to 2 modules of 512mb making a new total of ram 1gb. However now that i have installed the new ram it now registers as having 448mb of ram installed. what do i need to do to get it to register the full gig, do i need a bios upgrade so the motherboard picks up the extra ram? or is there something else i need to do instead?
id really appreciate some help on this.
Hi Scott.
Where are you reading the memory figure from? What is the full specification of the memory you have bought?
It looks like it is recognising 512MB LESS an amount of 64MB which has been reserved for the shared, on-board, integrated graphics chip.
There are 2 possibilities I can think of: -
1. The memory for your model is DDR memory. DDR stands for double data rate which means you only actually have 512MB installed but it is working with a doubled rate to effectively register as 1024MB. Depending on what you use to measure the memory, you could get different answers. Windows on the System page should give 1024 LESS 64 = 960MB.
2. Some older Vaios had a problem with the soldering of the memory slots which needed a repair. Try inserting a single module into each slot and make sure the Vaio boots using either slot.