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Hi guys had my sony vaio 5 months now, its a vpcee2m1e. In my view it has never quite worked properly, for example when i shut it down the green standby light stays on like its in sleep mode or something? Problem did rectify itself for awhile but then came back again. Also I had error messages of "operating system not found"
Anyway to my question, I now have the error message on start up "s.m.a.r.t detects hard drive error" please consider backing up your system.
Surely it shudnt be packing up after 5 months?? Laptops still working at the mo but whats caused this & is it covered under warranty? In an ideal world I wudnt wanna lose my data or have 2 fork out for an external to back everything up!
It does sound as if the hard drive is failing - the 'Operating System Not Found' and 'Smart Error' are symptoms of a failure.
I would contact Vaio Support and arrange a repair/replacement of the HDD. In the meantime back up any important data.
Despite great increases in reliability, component can still fail and hard drives seem particularly vulnerable to knocks and other failures. All manufacturers use the same drives and seem to have these problems.