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Slow Start up


Slow Start up


I have a VAIO FE21-H, and am pretty happy with it. It used to load windows very quickly. However, start up time now is very long, with windows taking a bit of time to load all of the relevant applications. I'm not too sure why its taking so much longer now, as I have even increased the RAM to 2GB from 1GB. I recently checked, and found that my hard disk is quite fragemented (31%). Could this be the reason? I know hard disk fragmentation slows the computer down, but I did not know it had such an effect.

If anyone knows why windows seems to be slow in starting up, please let me know

The computer is generally fine once windows has loaded everything, even quicker because of the increased RAM. But just takes a while to start up fully.



for the services tab, have a read on

He has some good advice on the standard winxp services, and what they're used for.

If theres any there that aren't documented, google them. You cant seriously break anything by disabling them though - the worst that could happen is that a program, or hardware button may stop working. You can always re-enable them afterwards.

some third party software will also add non-default services here too - so simply uninstalling stuff you dont want will permanently remove some entries from this list. Its safer to diable first to make sure it wont break any functionality before this though.


One recommandation: i felt my Vaio was slow at startup also but didnt bother too much (was like 2-3 minutes). But i have lately been struggling with what i believed was sound problem (see Realtek sound problem thread), and it turned out to be something completely different (Direct Memory Access setup).

When i applied a solution proposed by Blencongo, who is a Star with a massive S, it solved all evil: no more sound problem, and start up is roughly six zillions times faster. Well as it is supposed to be indeed!

So maybe you should check the IDE settings as proposed in the Realtek sound problem thread?


This sounds like the problem I am having and would like to give the solution a try. However, I have spent over an hour manually searching for the Realtek Sound Problem thread (search facility doesn't seem to work).

Blencogo, can you help me please?

One recommandation: i felt my Vaio was slow at startup also but didnt bother too much (was like 2-3 minutes). But i have lately been struggling with what i believed was sound problem (see Realtek sound problem thread), and it turned out to be something completely different (Direct Memory Access setup).

When i applied a solution proposed by Blencongo, who is a Star with a massive S, it solved all evil: no more sound problem, and start up is roughly six zillions times faster. Well as it is supposed to be indeed!

So maybe you should check the IDE settings as proposed in the Realtek sound problem thread?


This sounds like the problem I am having and would like to give the solution a try. However, I have spent over an hour manually searching for the Realtek Sound Problem thread (search facility doesn't seem to work).

Blencogo, can you help me please?

Hi Bipbop,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

I hope this is the Realtek Sound Card Problem thread you are looking for as it took me ages to track down..

I wish the search facility was working.. :cry:



Thank you so much, yes that is the thread I was after. Well done for finding it within the thousands of threads we have on here.


You're welcome Bipbop, I hope it helped solve your problem.. :slight_smile:


Hi, just found another way to fast start up.... switch off your wireless button... turn on your laptop... then after all start up is up... switch ON back you wireless... I tried this and it give me 78 sec faster... enjoy...


i have the VGN-FE41Z, it too after a while had a performance decrease, i just reinstalled the OS, removed all sonys usless applications (some of them) and then defragmented it.


I read your post with interest because I also have s slow start-up with my Vaio TX5XN (running VISTA).
I followed you recommendations but
a) the start-up is still very slow (from the moment I start the computer: 1min15 sec to get the login screen; 1 min 45 to see the desk-top; 2 min 50 sec to see the network running (cable); 5 min 12 sec to get the side panel on; about 6 min to have everything loaded...
b) wil running Tuneup startup manager, I got two strange warning
. Fingerprint Launcher was catagorized as dangerous (this is the software that launches de finger printing recognition programme; I deselected it, but this did not accelerate the booting process
. Intel Common User interface was also categorized as dangerous ... What does this mean ?

Another point: Tune-up suggested to get a processor with Hyperthreading, but this is a very recent computer (Intel Core solo) with 1.5 GB RAM

Any suggestion ?

Hi Pete - it sounds like your Vaio needs a good Spring Clean !!

Slow startup could be caused by many things - here are a few to try: -

1. Check you are using the correct up to date driver for your Graphics Card - this can cause this sort of delay.
2. Delete the contents of the folder C:\Windows\Prefetch. This partly loads programs you use frequently but if you uninstall something it takes time as it tries to find it. Files in here can also become corrupted or have poor links which again can take up time.
3. Download the free (for 30 days) version of Tune-Up Utilities from www.tune-up,com and run
a The Disc Cleanup
b The Registry Cleanup
c The Registry Defrag
d Startup Manager - see what programs load on boot. You can disable a lot of them that are not needed - for example you will probably a lot of programs trying to load on startup. Adobe Acrobat tries to load programs as does Nero and several others. Just uncheck the box next to programs that are not System programs.
e System Optimiser.
4. When you have done this cleanup it is time to Defragment the hard drive - 31% is quite high and needs attention. Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disc Defragmenter. I suspect it will take a while to run on your Vaio as it has a lot of work to do !!

Good Luck


It may also be worth mentioning that Norton Internet Security is a drag on system performance.

If you check out PC Pro review of internet security products it scored very poorly, against the likes of Kaspersky 7. I uninstalled Norton as soon as I bought the Vaio.

Also uninstall the Office trial products as they also tend to slow things down when they constantly ask you to register.

There is also some fantastic info online, make sure that you have a fixed virtual drive size, as to allow windows to determine this, is slowing you down as well.

Make sure you have ALL the latest drivers and windows updates.

Hi Blenco, just a quick question, you mentioned IDE settings in a thread! can u tell me where to find these? and how can they slow things down! just trying to find ways to speed my laptop up, followed all what you said, and did improve things. but not sure about IDE thingy!!
Thanks. :heart_eyes: