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Slow Start up


Slow Start up


I have a VAIO FE21-H, and am pretty happy with it. It used to load windows very quickly. However, start up time now is very long, with windows taking a bit of time to load all of the relevant applications. I'm not too sure why its taking so much longer now, as I have even increased the RAM to 2GB from 1GB. I recently checked, and found that my hard disk is quite fragemented (31%). Could this be the reason? I know hard disk fragmentation slows the computer down, but I did not know it had such an effect.

If anyone knows why windows seems to be slow in starting up, please let me know

The computer is generally fine once windows has loaded everything, even quicker because of the increased RAM. But just takes a while to start up fully.




i would say you need to stop some of your programs starting at startup, some you might not even know are starting up to do this go to: Start - Run - Type:"msconfig" - Startup tab. Then scroll down the list unchecking the programs you dont waant to load at startup.

I have gone through your suggestion but there are a lot of applications in the list. How do I know which ones I can get rid of and which ones I should keep marked?

Hi peebles,

In addition to Blencogo’s excellent advice (above), you may find the Startup Delayer (freeware) utility of interest.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Hi i have a slow log in,

I find that my pc start up ok, and i get to the windows XP log in screen. Enter my password and takes ages to log in to windows, then takes ages to load everything. I have a SZ2XP.

Also i have had problems with shutting down. It takes forever to shut down!!

Anyone help?



Download a program called BootVis and from the «Trace» menu run «Optimize System». I run this program frequently, and it helps a lot.

BootVis can be downloaded from the following link:

Good luck,


Hi, I've got SZ4MN/B with Windows Vista... but it's seem I have to wait about 5 min for fully loaded. Compare with my wife's ASUS W5Fe... just only 2 min form hitted ON button to fully loaded. Why???.... SZ4 with 2MB RAM compare with ASUS just only 1MB RAM... :slight_frown: :slight_frown: :slight_frown:


Just curious... is it due to Sony Vaio has a bundles of VAIO bla... bla... bla... software ??? or something doesn't right with my VAIO???


your vaio has 2GB not 2MB loool i never used a 1mb pc only 64mb :laughing: . And you maybe have a lot of programs to load in the startup try the tips that are given in page 1 and if you dont see any difference and you want more performance maybe you have to make a downgrade to windows xp. :slight_smile:


Thanks george.m... typo... just want to udate here, I uninstall most of the VAIO program... it boost up my machine...


Just curious... is it due to Sony Vaio has a bundles of VAIO bla... bla... bla... software ??? or something doesn't right with my VAIO???

Vaio sounds fine, just sounds like the usual HD full of pre-installed apps and gizmo's that are causing you a headache.

A lot of the programs load at startup so that they load quicker (like acrobat, quicktime), enable hardware functionality (like touchpad driver, adobe photo import, wlan switcher etc etc), offer hardware/software monitoring/updating (vaio update) or provide some kind of service (like the MSDE installation, and soundstage server).

you have two options.

1. use msconfig to disable statup apps that you dont regularly use, and uninstall those you'll never use. Use google to look-up the process or executable names for the ones you dont know.

2. Wipe the laptop back to scratch. Sony have made this easier since at least the purchase of my FE-31H. You can now recover individual applications from the recovery DVD set - allowing you to recover just the stuff you want to, and leaving all the other dross off.



Excellent rob_bw... I've got clear view here... how about service (in System Configuration - msconfig)?