Is Sony trying to kill this forum?


Is Sony trying to kill this forum?

How are people finding this forum anymore?
Before it was visible on the front page through a link, and button, now its completely buried in the website. When the A7 launched I was more active here because I could find it, but something has changed.


Now I 

1. Have to go to Sonys front page

2. Select cameras as product

3. Scroll all the way down past lots of info to the bottom of the page, where the link to community is

4. Log in again as a forum user, with an account thats not connected to my Sony customer profile at all

5. Try to find the camera forum in the category structure which ***** near is invisible


Its so hard to find this forum now that I sometimes just give up. Couple of months ago there was a button on the top right Sony page that said "Community"



Not applicable

Hi there


There are multiple ways in which to access this forum.  4 of which ways are:


  1. Hover the mouse over "Electronics" in the top Sony Banner, then a link on the side states "Community"

  2. At the bottom of the main Sony page - Footer (and in-fact on every page on has a bottom banner with links to the forum:

  3. You could bookmark the Sony Community forums for ease of access at a later date :

  4. Google it !  :



Hi !

On the (Norwegian Sony site) option 1 and 2  are not available.I have sought for  these solutions elsewhere in the community but nothing seems to happen.

Option 3 , yes i have bookmarked the site.

Option 4 ,i've tried that too.

Both 3 and 4 works,but for people that  wishes to become a member it's hard to find the way to  a easy accesable link to do so. And that's if they know the community even excist.

This  applies to the Norwegian site.

It must be posssible to add these links on the Norwegian site also , as well as direct link on the top Sony banner.

I seem to remember that the old website had such a link.
Ex Commander (Was always on)

Hi All,


The option 1 and 2 will be implemented for all countries in Europe where it is missing soon.

It is not showing up because of technical issues but I was told it would be fixed in the next couple of weeks.




Nico Henderijckx
(ex-Sony employee - fanboy forever)