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My Sony a 7II = My big headache...


My Sony a 7II = My big headache...


I have bought new Sony a7II camera with the lens Sony SEL 24-240 for already one year..

And i have ambiguous feeling shooting with it.. I`m not happy with the quality, some times it comes more or less ok, but sometimes - not ok at all! the main problem what i see that it is like out of focus, missing focus and details, sharpness.. I have sent both camera and lens to guarantee servise, but the answer was - all is ok. 

So, could somebody give an advise or any thoughts regarding this.. what it might be the reason of this bad quality, as the camera is quite expensive and i don`t think that it is shooting as it has to be. It is really very dissapointing to have the hight level camera with such a tricky quality..

Thanks for any support on this matter.



Hi Kristina,


Most common reason for blurry images is the shutter speed beeing to long and not using a tripod.

Unfortunately you haven't mentioned which camera settings you're using.


Anyway, have an eye on the shutter speed. As a golden rule please use at least a shutter speed of 1/focal lenght.

In addition use a tripod or put the camera on something solid to avoid camera shaking wenn pressing the shutter release button.





Hi PD,


thanks for Your reply and reaction on my case. Through all this time i have the camera, i was shooting in different situations, the shutter speed i always try to be as much more then 1/100s. I have also made shootings on a tripod, but the result comes out quite rare... Tomorrow i`m having meeting with person who has the same camera, so we will try side by side, and then will compare and i will be back with the comments.

See You soon :slight_smile:

Kind regards


Hi check out my review on the Sony web site for this lens I agree with you the lens is a nightmare your camera will be fine the lens quality is poor at best. Its an area Sony should have looked at before sending it to market it sounds a great idea 24-240m but does not work I had a Nikon 28-300mm and although not the greatest lens it was 100% better than this. I sent mine back to the supplier for a refund hope this helps and if Sony read these reviews please  do something about it I am in Scotland in the UK  so its a  problem all over